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麦考瑞大学Amin Beheshti教授--什么是生成式人工智能及其如何改变业务流程管理:从ChatGPT到Process GPT
发布人: | 发布日期:2024年06月21日 09:34 | 点击数:

应新葡的京集团8814登录入口的邀请,麦考瑞大学Amin Beheshti教授将在新葡的京官网作学术讲座,敬请参加!





Amin Behehti,麦考瑞大学数据科学全职教授、澳大利亚悉尼新南威尔士大学的计算机科学兼职教授、麦考瑞大学应用人工智能中心的创始人和主任、数据科学实验室的负责人、澳大利亚悉尼麦考瑞大学大数据协会的创始人。Amin在悉尼新南威尔士大学完成了计算机科学和工程的博士和博士后学位。在2009年开始攻读博士学位之前,Amin Behehti教授拥有十多年的行业经验,曾担任创始人兼首席执行官、顾问和解决方案架构师。Amin Behehti教授获得了40多个研究项目,获得了多个著名奖项,包括卓越奖(麦考瑞大学,2023年)、卓越研究创新、最佳论文奖等。作为数据科学和人工智能科学领域的杰出研究员,Amin Behehti教授曾被邀请担任顶级国际会议的主旨发言人、总主席、PC主席、组织主席和计划委员会成员。

Prof. Dr. Amin Beheshti is a Full Professor of Data Science at Macquarie University, and Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at UNSW Sydney, Australia. Amin is the founder and director of the Centre for Applied Artificial Intelligence, the head of the Data Science Lab, and the founder of the Big Data Society at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. Amin completed his PhD and Postdoc in Computer Science and Engineering at UNSW Sydney. Before starting his PhD in 2009, Amin had over a decade of industry experience as a founder and CEO, consultant, and Solution Architect. Alongside his teaching activities, Amin has made significant contributions to research projects and successfully secured 40+ research projects (Over $32 million in Research Funding). Amin received prestigious awards, including Excellence Award (Macquarie University, 2023), Excellence in Research Innovation, and several Best Paper awards. As a distinguished researcher in Data and AI Science, Amin has been invited to serve as a Keynote Speaker, General-Chair, PC-Chair, Organization-Chair, and program committee member of top international conferences.


深入探讨生成人工智能的世界及其在业务流程管理方面的变革潜力。首先解开生成式人工智能的概念,探索其功能和应用。从ChatGPT的突破性进步到Process GPT的创新出现,研究了这些技术的演变和影响。重点关注Process GPT,讨论其通过流程自动化、增强决策和提高效率彻底改变业务流程管理方面的作用。通过现实世界的例子和案例研究,展示生成式人工智能为各个行业的组织带来的切实好处和机会。

In this talk, we delve into the world of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its transformative potential in business process management. We begin by unraveling the concept of Generative AI, exploring its capabilities and applications. From the groundbreaking advancements of ChatGPT to the innovative emergence of ProcessGPT, we examine the evolution and impact of these technologies. With a focus on ProcessGPT, we discuss its role in revolutionizing business process management by automating processes, enhancing decision-making, and improving efficiency. Through real-world examples and case studies, we showcase the tangible benefits and opportunities that Generative AI brings to organizations across various industries.